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Vue3 Attributes Binding

In Vue3, when using a child component in the parent component, the properties passed in will be bound to the root element of the child component by default. For example:

  @mouseover="onMouseover"> Test </Button>

Child component is as follows:

    <button>Click me</button>

Then, the three events on the Button component will be bound to the div by default, not the button.

Q: If the child component is simple, you can directly enjoy the convenience provided by Vue. If the child component is complex, how to manually prevent default binding?

A: In the script tag of the child component, you need to disable inheritAttrs, use $attrs to get all attributes, and use v-bind="$attrs" on the element where you want to bind the attributes:

    <button v-bind="$attrs">
    Click me

export default {
	inheritAttrs: false,
// ...

Q: If there are many attributes and you want to bind them to more elements, how can you achieve this?

A: You can destructure the context in setup and bind it to the corresponding elements separately.

  <div :size="size">
    <button @Click="onClick">
    Click me

export default {
	inheritAttrs: false,
	setup(props, context) {
		const {onClick, onMouseover, onFocus} = context.attrs
		return {size, onClick, onMouseover, onFocus}
// ...

Too troublesome?

You can also use the ES6 rest operator to bind in batches.

  <div :size="size">
    <button v-bind="actions">
    Click me

export default {
	inheritAttrs: false,
	setup(props, context) {
		const {size, ...actions} = context.attrs
		return {size, actions}
// ...